So this months project is a simple one but one you can sell starting now through the end of October and even until Thanksgiving, Candy Corn Melt and Pour Soap. This a simple project and when Halloween is over, you can change your scents and make them for other holidays as well. Layered soaps have always sold well for me and attracted a crowd.
- Melt and Pour Soap Base
- FD & C Liquid Bath & Body Dye in Red and Yellow
- Soap Safe Fragrance Oil, Candy Corn
- Soap Mold
- Microwave Safe Dish (Pyrex measure cups work great!)
- Stainless Steel Spoon for stirring
*Optional supplies to purchase include a Digital Scale (to weigh the soap base and fragrance) and a Thermometer to keep track of the temperature of the soap base to prevent over-heating.
Melting the Soap Base:
- Microwave Method: Cut the Melt and Pour Base on the score lines and place it in a microwave
safe dish. (Pyrex measuring cups work nicely) Place the dish in
your microwave. Using full power, heat the base for one minute at a
time until it begins to melt. Once it has started to melt, decrease
this to 30 second intervals until it is fully melted stirring often.
*The melted soap should be between 130-140̊ F.
Adding the Dye:
- Once your soap is melted, just add the dye a drop at a time, stirring after each until you reach your desired shade. The amount used will vary. For the yellow part, just use the yellow the white can be left uncolored and for the orange, two drops of yellow to one red until you reach your desired shade of orange.
Adding the Fragrance:
- For Melt and Pour, it is safe to use up to, but no more than ½ Weight Ounce of fragrance per pound of soap base. Each block of Melt and Pour Base is Two pounds. For one full block of soap, you would use up to 1 ounce of fragrance. Stir well after adding the fragrance oil to the melted & colored soap base.
Pouring into Molds:
- Pour
your scented and colored soap base into the molds in layers. Use a fine mist
spray bottle filled with Rubbing Alcohol to lightly mist the tops of
each of the just poured soaps to remove any bubbles. Allow to cool, then re-mist the tops with the rubbing alcohol jsut before pouring the next layer and again spritz after to remove air bubbles and repeat. Allow the
soaps to cool at room temperature until completely cooled, about 4-5
hours then remove from the molds. You may need to pull the edge of
the mold back to get the soap to release.
*You can place the mold in the freezer for a few minutes if removal is difficult but I typically suggest waiting longer instead before resorting to this method.This fun theme can be carried into jar candles, wax melts, pillars etc! Its fun to layer different scents into jars that coordinate well too! Have fun with this project and enjoy a handful of candy corn for me!
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